Joseph Sak
What's up with me
I've been playing games and making new ones for decades. Gowing up I always liked combining board games together to make new ones before I eventually stumbled into making games both for a living and for fun.
I graduated from Michigan State University's Games and Interactive Media program, with a minor in Game Design. I was on the board for the game development club, ran a Global Game Jam Site, and of course played plenty of games alongside my studying and creating them.
I've had fun making games of varying complexity and genres from classes, and a decent spread from work I've had during school and post graduation. From an artistic bead game, to minigames and a city builder game for an international cognitive study, to winning the Audience Choice Award at PAX East 2022 on an arcade brawler, I've enjoyed my work and all that it's let me do.
By far the biggest project I've been a part of has been Plunder Panic. Working with 11 other people, we released for nine platforms with online cross-play between all of them. The most fun thing I've ever done in my life was PAX East when we took the game there and had a 4v4 booth setup, myself personally teaching 1,300 people to play over the four days while pitching, selling, and promoting the game. The cherry on top being the game winning the award for the show. It was by far the highlight of my career so far, and I'm hoping to one up it many more times in the future. Absolutely worth catching Covid at the event.
Games still stick to me outside of work: personal projects like getting mad at floating point for not counting high enough, running different Dungeons and Dragons campaigns with groups of friends, and board games whenever I can with friends.
Obviously I play plenty of video games myself, some of my favorites are Sayonara Wild Hearts, Deep Rock Galactic, and Rimworld. And my current favorite board games are Gaia Project, Spirit Island, and Wingspan.
Whenever it's time to go outside, I love playing tennis, volleyball, bike riding, and hiking.
Worked on teams of one to fifteen
Developed and Published games on PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, Steam Deck, PC
Have worked with the MSU Games for Entertainment and Learning Lab and the MSU Empathetic Games Initiative
Indie Developer and Publisher
Global Game Jam Site Organizer
MSU Game Dev Club Public Relations Officer